A 5Rhythms® Journey Workshop
Our bodies hold stories, our head makes up stories, and our hearts feel these stories. Can we access our hearts (and emotions) without giving the stories too much power?
In this workshop, we weave the 5Rhythms with our emotions, calling on our elemental allies of earth, fire, water, air, and ether to guide us on this journey.
Flowing: Fear & Courage - What if we could move fear from our chest like sand in an hourglass dripping down to the earth until nothing is left?
Staccato: Anger & Forgiveness - What if we could feel anger for anger's sake--how would the flames dance?
Chaos: Sadness & Surrender - Could water flush sadness from our hearts and make it dance like a river?
Lyrical: Joy & Generosity - Could joy give us wings to fly?
Stillness: Compassion & Service - Experience the profound connection that emerges when we move in stillness.
The Journey
The Purpose of the 5Rhythms Heartbeat™ map is to release the heart from its history – the old feelings locked in our bodies – beginning to shake them loose and release an expanded emotional maturity and spontaneity.
By separating our emotions from our stories, the stories become our history, and our emotions are free to move and dance. By connecting and moving with our emotions, giving them voice and shapes, we unlock the heart and release its limitless power to heal.
The Approach
The body is the gateway to the heart and mind. All you have to be willing to do is move. Our approach to the heart is gentleness, kindness, and non-judgment. It is our goal to create a safe environment for every individual.
As we become comfortable with allowing and expressing feelings, neither getting attached nor denying them, we discover how to transform the energies of the heart and the power of a heart fully able to feel and respond with love.
Prerequisite: Three 5Rhythms® Waves classes are required prior to attendance.
All workshop hours contribute to 5Rhythms® Teacher Training prerequisites.