
5Rhythms Workshop

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Discipline of Nourishment- Closed Group

Led by: Neda Nenadic
16 Nov 2023 - 14 Mar 2024
Location: Brighton, Rottingdean Village Hall, Park Rd, Rottingdean, BN2 7HL
Brighton, United Kingdom Show map
Organizer: Mei Mei Jacklin

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 The abundant pot of 5Rhythms®️ is boundless and bottomless.

How many times we pour this wisdom into

our cup is up to us.

Paradoxically the more

we pour in the more empty we become.

Empty to fully embrace life.

Nourishing oneself on every level of our being takes practice and discipline.

To nourish, 

to rest, and to inspire oneself, 

are such intertwined life skills to navigate the challenges and changes in life; in a constructive and healing manner. 

We are having this wonderful opportunity to join the 5Rhythms®️ closed group that will meet once a month in the Rottingdean studio.

To connect and support each other to drop deeper into our creative process and embodiment through the 5Rhythms®️ maps.

Focusing on healing nourishment in each rhythm:

What nourishes our body?-Flowing 

What nourishes our heart?-Staccato

What nourishes our mind?-Chaos 

What nourishes our soul?-Lyrical 

What nourishes our spirit?-Stillness 

To refresh and deepen the understanding of the 5Rhythms®️ maps & five threads of intuitive wisdom.

In each module, 

we will explore the qualities of each rhythm, 

and in between the modules, 

there will be an invitation to implement the 

5Rhythms®️ daily to inspire our physical, emotional, mental and soulful being through these winter days.


 Venue: Rottingdean Village Hall, Park Road Brighton BN2 7HL

Time: 18:45-21:45


Dates: Nov 16th, 

Dec 14th 2023 

& Jan 18th,  

Feb 15th, 

Mar 14th 2024 

Cost: £170

£150 (concessions) or

£85 in two instalments

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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