
5Rhythms Workshop

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Led by: Stuart Phillips
25 Jul 2025 - 27 Jul 2025
Location: Marlborough Primary School, Draycott Avenue
London, United Kingdom Show map
Organizer: Stuart Phillips

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!!CREW OPPORTUNITY !! - Contact me if you are interested in crewing in exchange for a half price ticket

Are you looking to elevate your life experience to the next level, stuck in a rut or have aspects of life not working out quite as well as you had expected?

What if I told you that you could access a method so powerful that in just one weekend, self-limiting beliefs that you have about yourself could dissolve and would no longer feature in the world that you’re living into?

That is exactly what this workshop has to offer!

Using the 5Rhythms® dance meditation practice you will unlock the key drivers for success that are waiting to be discovered within the bodies’ very own intuitive wisdom, giving you access to a life liberated from past constraints. 

There are no steps to learn no prerequisites required just an open heart and a willingness to inquire.

"When we dance, we wake up, we get down and juicy with ourselves, we have fun and forget all the heavy shit we carry around. In the dance we get real, get free, get over ourselves" ~ Gabrielle Roth, founder of 5Rhyhms® 

Are you ready? 

Book today to guarantee your place


Friday 25th July: 7.30pm-9.30pm

Saturday 26th July: 11.00am-5.30pm

Sunday 27th July: 11am-5.30pm


Doors will open on Friday at 7:20pm (this will be open to dancers not attending the workshop)

Saturday and Sunday

Doors will open at 10:45

3-Day Workshop price is £165 / 5RTA Members, Concessions: £140

(Financial support available upon request) 


About 5Rhythms®:

Dancing the 5Rhythms is a practice - a dynamic way to both workout and to meditate in the same breath. They teach us that life is energy in motion, freeing us from any fixed notions about people, places, objects or ideas.

They say that a picture tells a thousand words. One deep dance tells millions.

In dancing 5Rhythms you can unearth a freestyle movement vocabulary rooted in unexpected, fresh ways of moving - visceral and highly personal.

In dancing 5Rhythms you can track perceptions and memories; seek out gestures and shapes; tune into instincts and intuitions. They reveal ways to creatively express aggressiveness and vulnerability, emotions and anxieties, edges and ecstasies. They reconnect us to cycles of birth, death and renewal and hook us up to the spirit in all living things. They initiate us back into the wisdom of our bodies and unleash movement’s dynamic healing power.

In dancing 5Rhythms the body becomes our spiritual path.

About Stuart

Stuart is an accredited 5Rhythms teacher. He first danced the 5Rhythms in 2007 and has been teaching since 2018. His teachings are practical and are rooted in inviting awareness to the physical body that we each inhabit. His work has been described as bringing clarity and simplicity to the practice of embodied movement...

"I am discovering for myself that the 5Rhythms is the practice of awakening the body that enables us human beings to begin to unravel for ourselves who we are underneath all those layers".

Stuart's classes count towards the 5Rhythms Teacher Training prerequisite hours (Waves).

Refund Policy

Cancellation Policy:

If you cancel 7 days prior to the start of workshop (7.30pm Friday 18th July) we will offer you either a full refund or a credit for a future workshop.

In the event that we have to cancel the class, we will offer you a full refund or credit for a future class.

Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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