
The Rhythms of Losing your Shopping Trolley

Demonstrating using the 5Rhythms map to process losing my shopping trolley on the tube. Natasha Frost, London, United Kingdom

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Moving with terror – A unified wave for humanity

We cannot change what happened overnight in Paris. We can choose how we move with it. This emotional terror is riding its wave through all of us today. I see …

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5RTA: November 2015 Teacher Spotlight

What do we open to and what do we close to? – How is it possible to open the heart in the midst of conflict and to hear the other’s …

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Notes on Practice: Road Rage, Soccer & Playful Antics

Despite the fact that the babysitter arrived right at 7pm and I left promptly, I arrived an hour late to Tammy’s Night Waves class on Friday. The car was literally …

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Notes on Practice: Expand Lyrical

I have a confession to make. This is hard for me, but here it is. I have been cheating on Chaos. It all started during the summer, when I spent …

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5Rhythms Tribe: Community that Inspires

  Community Art. A collaborative project gathering inspiration from our worldwide 5Rhythms tribe.   You can follow our art museum and archive on Instagram here!        Community Musings. …

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