One day the shapes I was making in Chaos took me to a very dark place. I did not have a clear memory of why (even while it was happening), …
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythm Teacher Association, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, 5Rhythms Teacher Association, 5Rhythms Teachers Association, 5RTA, Conscious Dance, dance movement therapy, ecstatic dance, five rhythms, gabrielle roth, kierra foster-ba, light and shadow, Maps to Ecstasy, New York City, Open floor, shamanic dance, The Moving Center, the moving center school, visudha de los santos, WavesOctober 2016 Musings + Art + Happenings from our Tribal Individuals The 5Rhythms practice | A lens for life GABRIELLE, 5RHYTHMS & SHAMANISM by Michael Stone British …
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms tribe, Andrea Juhan, art, Canada, Chaos, community, Community that inspires, Ekua Bayunu, five rhythms, Flowing, flowings, gabrielle roth, gareth Davies, inspiriation, jonathan horan, Kate Shela, Kathy Altman, Lori Saltzman, Lyrical, Michael stone, movement medicine, moving center school, moving meditation, Neda Nenadic, Open floor, poetry, Ros Howell, Staccato, Stillness, Tess Howell, The Moving Center, united kingdomIn 2012, 2 days after Gabrielle Roth passed away, 5Rhythms teacher and UK ambassador for Women for Women International Neda Nenadic walked to Everest Base Camp to raise money for …
TAGS: #danceanywhere, #danceeverywhere, 5 rhythms, 5Rhythm Teacher Association, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, 5Rhythms Teacher Association, Chaos, Conscious Dance, Cycles, dance movement therapy, ecstatic dance, everest, five rhythms, Flowing, gabrielle roth, Lyrical, Medicine Dance, meditation, moving meditation, Neda Nenadic, Open floor, shamanic dance, StaccatoArt & poetry inspired by Catalunya Dreaming 5Rhythms retreat facilitated by Alex MacKay My ocean rested my soul upon each wave and tossed the pain from blade to blade, Across …
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, 5RTA, Chaos, dance movement therapy, ecstatic dance, Ekua Bayunu, five rhythms, gabrielle roth“Emptiness which is conceptually liable to be mistaken for sheer nothingness is in fact the reservoir of infinite possibilities.” — D.T. Suzuki Dear Dancing Maniacs, I’ve spent the last days …
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythm Teacher Association, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, 5Rhythms Teacher Association, 5Rhythms Teachers Association, 5RTA, Andrea Juhan, Chaos, Conscious Dance, Cycles, dagmar cee, dance movement therapy, ecstatic dance, five rhythms, Flowing, gabriell, gabrielle roth, Jason Rowe, jonathan horan, Lyrical, Maps to Ecstasy, meditation, MIrrors, movement medicine, Movement Teacher Training, moving meditation, Open floor, ritual theater, shamanic dance, soul motion, Staccato, Stillness, sweat your prayers, Teacher Training, The Moving Center, the moving center school, together, unity, Waves