
5Rhythms Teachers

"5 Rhythms has woken my ability to feel my inner landscape - when I am stressed, I can feel myself knot up and now I can move and shake and let that gripping fall away so that I am free to move forward in a creative positive way. My Intention is to be"
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Miranda White

Certified 5Rhythms Teacher

For 20 years I have been a yoga teacher with a passion for exploring how our bodies move and relate to the world we live in. For 6 years I was a 5Rhythms Spaceholder holding regualr dances in Herefordshire.   5Rhythms is a dynamic movement practise which sheds light on the places in between, the places that we might miss in day to day life, the places where we can find freedom from any destructive patterns that might cause suffering for us and others and essentially the planet we live on. 

Human life is messy,  I have had my fair share of messiness in the form of addictions, cancer, bereavement like most of us. The genius of Gabrielle Roth's maps is  that regular practise heals.  I know this for sure because after years of regular classes and moving  through the waves again and again at home with my dogs, horses and in nature with trees and plants, I have found a richness and happiness that I could never have dreamed of earlier in my life.  

The 5Rhythms practise is a clear way to find freedom and presence. I am very grateful to now  step into the role of teaching and facilitating this path which so many have walked and found  helpful and enlightening.  Together we will explore what its is to inhabit our bodies fully, to express who we are, to empty out unhelpful parts of ourselves, and  feel into the bigger picture where there is more compassion for all beings.

I am able to hold a safe space for beginners and advanced practitioners. A place where you are welcome and can learn to ride the waves of life with a community based on non judgment and love. 

Teach in Malvern on Friday noghts and offer a morning class in Whitbourne on the first Friday of each month

Maps: Waves
Location: , Herefordshire, United Kingdom
Dancing since: 2010 Teaching since: 2024
Languages: English

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18 Mar 2025
Birmingham, United Kingdom
21 Mar 2025
Malvern, United Kingdom
2 May 2025
West Midlands, United Kingdom
23 May 2025
Malvern, United Kingdom


5 Apr 2025
West Midlands, United Kingdom
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