
5Rhythms Class

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Next Class: 25 Mar 2025 19:00 - 20:30
Location: Online
London, United Kingdom Show map
Organizer: Shiraya Adani

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LUMINANCE - Online Drop-in Dance

TIME: 7-8.30pm UK time (with optional sharing to 9pm UK time)

CONTRIBUTION: Sliding Scale £14 / £12 / £10 (see notes below for explanation)

REGISTRATION: https://glimpsesoflight.art/calendar/

Come into your space and make it a dancefloor. Drop into body, breath and music. Follow movement…

LUMINANCE brings movement, music and luminous consciousness into your space for dancing. It's a regular online dance space, connecting across timezones and held on a mostly monthly rhythm. 

We connect across timezones to dance and illuminate the moment. Moving with whatever is in process in our lives and in our world. Cultivating inner light and life force through movement – that we may shine, and be in service to all beings in their shining.

I bring energy, movement teachings and some simple facilitation. I offer a specially curated blend of deep and subtle music medicine to create a strong, open container. All this comes into your space via Zoom wherever you are, to use and dance into embodied, soulful consciousness. 


Luminance is held using The Way of the Dancer, an evolving synthesis of conscious dance and movement meditation practice. We use and integrate teachings from 5Rhythms, Movement Medicine, Taoist practice, Animist perspectives and other aligned embodied pathways.

LUMINANCE is held in a mostly monthly rhythm. It is open to all on a drop-in basis and is free to Tier 3 Members of the Home Dancing Project. 


Context for Pricing - A three-tier contribution system is offered in recognition that we have wide disparities in our access to financial resources. If those more well-resourced contribute more, this helps the dancefloor be accessible to dancers with less finance. Please consider the wider context and use your integrity in choosing what level you contribute. Thanks!

Please note: Tickets at the lowest level are limited. If you are able, please pay the middle or higher level contributions, leaving the lower level tickets for those who need them. If the lowest level of contribution is out of reach for you, please contact us about bursaries.


25 March 2025; 22 April 2025; 20 May 2025; 24 June 2025; 29 July 2025; 23 Sep 2025; 21 Oct 2025; 25 Nov 2025



Refund Policy

If you cancel 30 days or more before the event: a refund will be offered minus a cancellation fee of £25. 

If you cancel 3-29 days before the event: we will offer a 50% refund if we can fill your place. 

If you cancel in the 72 hours before the start time of the event or do not attend, refunds will only be offered in exceptional circumstances and at our discretion. In most situations, you have the possibility of selling your ticket on directly. However please note this depends on the event / circumstances and is at our discretion. In all cases, please communicate to check and let us know you are doing this. 

In the unlikely event that Christian needs to cancel, your payment will be refunded in full. We cannot accept liability for other costs you may have incurred.

Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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