Join us for an hour long Wave, every Friday 8pm to 9pm. Warmup music from 7.30pm for those who like to be early and Zoom opens at around 7.45pm.
5Rhythms experience is not needed. Drop in for a class or join for the whole series.
Optional Zoom breakout rooms will be available for you to dance with friends or connect in smaller group. Zoom will be left open after class for you to connect, if that's what you'd like to do.
Please note that music will be streamed on Mixcloud Live and a link will be sent to this before class. The audio for the class will NOT be streamed through zoom to ensure that there is high quality audio. Ideally you'll connect your audio streaming device to speakers or headphones before the class so you can be immersed in the music whilst you dance.
Zoom is optional to see other dancers. In this case it's recommended and it might be technically necessary depending on your device to use a separate second device like a laptop to see other dancers on Zoom.