Tickets available on Nikki's schedule on the bookwhen ticket site below:
These dances are an invitation for all women to come together to dance the 5Rhythms and experience this in relation to the full moon.
We honour the cycles of the moon by gathering In Person to connect to ourselves and each other; body, heart & mind. Dancing through the changing times, supported by the togetherness of women, we can let go and align ourselves with soul, love and our higher purpose.
We hope to see you there
Tickets cost
£25/19/£16/£13- book in advance to secure your place
There may be some tickets avail on the door (cash only, or use this book when site at the door to pay with a card) Pls check with Nikki on the day by texting/ what's app 07972 659701
Class times vary pls check by date
Beginners are welcome!
This is a Women's event, LGBTQ+ women welcome
Class Protocols
This is a space to practice 5Rhythms only. While the essence and spirit of other practices are welcome their form is not. The invitation is to bring that form into movement.
This is a drug and alcohol free space
No phones, shazam, photography or video during the dance. Please turn off notifications and ringer for the duration of the class.
Let's keep conversation off the dancefloor – please communicate with movement
Take responsibility for your own body and move within your capacity to move
No spectators, only participators.
Please listen out for others' boundaries and respect everyone's choice for connection in the dance. We are free to choose with who, when and how we'd like to connect, changing our minds if necessary. No touch without consent.
This practice is about learning to connect with yourself, the other and the group. With that in mind particularly the last of these three please stay for the closing circle. If you have to leave before please check in with the facilitator before you go.
Marlborough Primary School
Draycott Avenue
Aprox a 6min walk from South Kensington station
*Doors will open at 7.10pm | 5.55pm Sundays
On arrival please make your way to the reception desk and follow their guidance.
A note on Timings
This class starts at 7.10pm Weekdays & Saturdays | 5.55pm Sundays ~ please be on time. Doors close 15mins after the start of each class to create a safe held container. There will be no entry after this time.
What to wear
Dress ready to move, loose comfortable clothes and layers are recommended
Please wear a soft soled shoe or barefoot - no socks or outdoor shoes on the dance floor
Please refrain from wearing perfumes or using other fragrances.
What to bring
Do bring some water in a reusable container to keep yourself hydrated
Full details will arrive in the booking confirmation email. If you haven’t received the confirmation email after paying please contact Nikki at:
We can't wait to be in dance with you!
Nikki & The Women's 5Rhythms Full Moon Team xx
Numbers are limited to give us space to dance comfortably together. Please be generous if you can, a full price ticket helps us offer reduced and concession places. thank you. Our ticket policy: Refunds are available up to 24hours before the dance - we take a £2.50 admin fee for any refund given. Refunds will not be available from 24hours before the dance - if you find you cannot attend you can transfer, gift or sell on your ticket