Step Into Yes! Women's Monthly Dance
(she, her, they, them - not he, him)
How do I say, "Yes!" with my whole self? Whether I need to step up or step back, how do I do so with complete, authentic potency?
Step Into Yes! is a creative mix of inspiration and dance, a time and place to bring your whole, potent self without apology. To be creative without cost, to see and be seen, and to embody your own truth.
After warm-up and welcome, one participant gifts the group with an "Ofrenda," an offering of something that has inspired them along their life's journey. The rest of us try it on as possibility. In this place of seeing and being seen, we actively engage in supporting and being supported. After the "Ofrenda" we dance a full Wave to co-create and integrate our experience, then we come back together to share and close our circle.
The depth of rich compassion cultivated over our years of dancing together is medicine for these strange times.
Registration and tickets -
If you like more floor time before warm-up, music begins at 10:45am. Doors close at 11:20am.
Lose comfortable clothing & a water bottle are suggested.