
5Rhythms Class

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5 Rhythms Dance with Oliver: FOCUS

Led by: Oliver Euchner
Next Class: 11 Apr 2025 19:30 - 23:59
Location: studio 2 Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2 10997 Berlin
Berlin, Germany Show map

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Theme: FOCUS

When: Friday, April 11th, 7:30 pm - MIDNIGHT

Stay for tea & snacks after the dance to continue our evening of connection.

Where: Studio 2 Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2 10997 Berlin

REGISTRATION REQUESTED via email, paypal payment, or eventbrite

Email: oliver5rhythms@gmail.com

Subject: REGISTRATION for April 11th

What to expect:

5 Rhythms BODY WAVES playfully evoke high and deep physical presence through passionate dancing and powerful music. Let yourself be guided into a deepening relationship with your outer and inner body, with your self and your life, creating many moments to still mind the mind through movement.

Liberate into the here and now through BODY WAVES' 5 Rhythms Dance Meditation. In this class movement becomes the medicine, the meditation and the metaphor. There will be a somatic introduction and integration. 

OLIVER is an accredited 5rhythms teacher, trained in New York City by 5 Rhythms founder Gabrielle Roth and her son Jonathan Horan. His background includes sacred movements and seated meditation in the direct lineage of G.I. Gurdjieff and a dedicated yoga practice (Teacher Certified by Richard Freeman). Oliver also is a musician. He has been based in Berlin and New York City, teaching the 5Rhythms and running his own business.

** All of Oliver’s classes and workshops hours count toward 5rhythms Teacher Training prerequisites.**



- Open mind

- Comfortable dancing clothes

- Water bottle

PRICE: Regular: €25 — Reduced: €18 — Supporter: > €25 — Or pay according to your own means

Use details below, if you prefer to pay via PayPal:

PayPal: oliver5rhythms@gmail.com

please indicate "Family and Friends"

Refund Policy

 If you're unable to attend this dance, you can use your ticket for my next dance. 

Registration Policy

Drop In or Pre-Register


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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