
5Rhythms Class

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5R Raven Waves

Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00
1 Feb 2025 - 8 Mar 2025
Location: Het Ruweel, Malbergsingel 62, 6218 AV Maastricht
Maastricht, Netherlands Show map
Organizer: Erik de Wit

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 5Rhythms is a simple dynamic movement meditation, developed by Gabrielle Roth.

Dancing the 5Rhythms is a practice of being in your body; a dance without steps nor structure; a dance that includes everything, follows what wants to move from inside of you, from moment to moment.

The five rhythms are, flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, stillness. Each rhythm has its own energy; each rhythm shows itself in a different way. From each rhythm we learn and discover.

5Rhythms dancing is for all of us; regardless of gender, age or flexibility. You can come and dance even if you are injured, happy, sad or angry… Everyone is welcome!


 Raven Waves is een samenwerking van vier 5RTA docenten en een organisator, die als doel heeft in Zuid-Limburg wekelijks 5Ritmes dansen aan te bieden.

Elke docent verzorgt 1 à 2 Raven waves per maand en Erik, de organisator faciliteert. De docenten zijn Caroline van de Ven, Pauline van Hezik, Katya Verbrugghe en Els Augustyns.


1  februari: Caroline

8 februari:  Katya

15 februari: Els

22 februari: Pauline

1 maart: Caroline

8 maart: Katya

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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