Some days in the winter I wake up and feel BLUE and uninspired, ungrounded and tired. In those moments I offer myself a good dose of BEAT MEDICINE. When I offer my whole body into the rhythm, body part by body part, I invite more vitality into my being, release the BLUES and can open to bliss in motion.
In the 5Rhythms® practice we surrender to the beat and access conscious movement as medicine. The movement practice is meditative, fun and transformative. It is designed to release the dancer in every body – regardless of age, condition or experience. It leads us from states of inertia into moments of ecstasy, from separation into connection. Breath practices and mindfulness will UPLIFT us into heightened states of awareness.
*discover the potency of movement as medicine
*experience states of heightened awareness and profound healing
*embody joy and radiant aliveness
*dance your heart open!
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