5Rhythms - Live on-line
Please register in advance for each class on my website
Monday morning sessions are family friendly - You are welcome to dance inside or out.
£10 / £12 per class
Bursary available if needed.
Please send payment by Bank Transfer
Neil Pinnock (business account)
HSBC Sort: 40-18-00 Account: 60510718
(use ‘online Mon’ as ref)
Paypal also available - https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/NeilPinnock
Quick guide to joining us on Zoom
It's not too tricky to join but there is a bit of a procedure.
Please make sure you register and pay in time to be sent a code for class login! Leaving things till last minute can result in missing out.
Go to my Website
1. Click the class you want to join
2. Register for that class with Zoom.
3. Pay (if you have class credits you can skip this step).
4. Receive a login code by email.
5. Make sure you know how zoom works.
6. Push back your furniture, check sound and get ready...
7. You can login 10 mins before the class starts but no longer than 15 mins after.
9. Feel much better.
Family members and children welcome. No charge for accompanied children.
Sound will be better if plugged into a external speaker, headphones or home HiFi.