
5Rhythms Class

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Freedom Waves

Location: Harting Community Hall, Pease Croft, South Harting, Petersfield, GU31 5LB
Petersfield, Hampshire, United Kingdom Show map
Organizer: Catherine Stagg-Macey

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 ** This Sweat happens twice a month **

5Rhythms® is a dynamic movement practice created by Gabrielle Roth, who has inspired thousands of people to MOVE; 'put the psyche into motion and it will heal itself'.

Anyone can dance the 5Rhythms®, it just requires a beating heart and a willingness to move. 

What you can expect from a 2 hour class: 

We begin each class with a warm up, spending time moving how ever you want: stretching, breathing and dancing in a way that feels good for you, in the moment.

Then, you will  be guided through a Wave, which is dancing the 5Rhythms® in the same specific order, (flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, and stillness).

There are no steps to learn and you can't get it wrong. 

You're invited to explore in your own way the 5Rhythms® and how they want to move and be expressed through your body.

Everyone is very welcome!


Prices are £18/£15/£12 (concession).

Pay in advance via bookwhen: https://bookwhen.com/dancewithcatherine

All 5Rhythms classes are drug and alcohol free events. 

Dates for the part of 2024:

6 September 

20 September

11 October

25 October

1 November 

15 November 

6 December 

Refund Policy


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A 5Rhythms SpaceHolder is mentored closely by a 5Rhythms Teachers Association member. The intention is to create consistent space for self-guided practice in the frontiers of our worldwide tribe. SpaceHolders organize 5Rhythms workshops a few times a year and host their mentor teacher in person or via skype to teach waves Classes. When the teacher is not in town, the SpaceHolder offers 2 5Rhythms Waves compiled in collaboration with their mentor, for students to practice. Read more about our SpaceHolder Mentorship program for communities that do not yet have a certified 5Rhythms teacher.

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