
5Rhythms Class

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Fluid Beings - Dance Resilience **NO CLASS Oct 22**

Led by: Irene Husung
Tuesdays 20:10 - 22:10Next Class: 29 Oct 2024
  • 22 Oct 2024
Location: Phynixtanzt, Hasenheide 54, 10967 Berlin
Berlin, Germany Show map

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“People are surprised to discover that the rhythms are not only healing but also energizing and relaxing. In exploring the full range of our body’s natural movement, we reconnect with our native animal energy, and start to be present in our bodies.” Gabrielle Roth

"The vehicle is the body." Peter Levine

Dance Resilience

5Rhythms & Prinzipien von SE zur Erforschung unseres Tanzes, Befreiung unserer Energie und Regulierung des Nervensystem. Wir erforschen unsere Resilienz und unser "Toleranzfenster", um ungesunden Stress kreativ abzubauen - "from fixity to fluidity", Peter Levine  //

5Rhythms & principles of SE to explore our dance, free our energy and regulate our nervous system. We explore our resilience and our window of tolerance, to release unhealthy stress creatively.

If you need English, get in touch in advance, please.

@PHYNIXtanzt Studio Stern
Südsternhöfe am Südstern, Hasenheide 54; zwischen 2.+3.Hof - U7

Beitrag/contribution: nach Selbsteinschätzung//range 20-22-25,- 

Erm.//reduced 17,-

ermässigte Helferplätze auf Anfrage

irenehusung@web.de; mobil: 0157.71593133

Irene Husung
5Rhythmen-Lehrerin, Fortbildung in Somatic Experiencing & EmotionAid



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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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