This is an introductory 5Rhythms class, exploring our power and essence through the natural elements. It's a moving meditation from solid Earth through the heart, to the invisible Ether. We start our journey walking softly on Earth, digging deeper into our inner power, searching for Fire, expressing our internal flaming energy to be ready to surrender to the powerful waves of Water, letting go and releasing. To enjoy the fresh Air and the communal celebration of renewed lightness. To arrive and dissolve in Ether, in the invisible, in the emptiness, in unity, in Stillness. Join us in this travel through space, time and feelings, dancing free-form the 5Rhythms and the Elements. We dance to search, to remember, to feel, to discover, to transform.
San Francisco, CA 94122
Participant fee: $35/General. 10% discount for SFBG members.