
Oost Canada

It is not about getting lost in the dance, but being found in the dance.

Wekelijkse Lessen

Periodic Classes

EXPLORATIONS 2025 Next Class 23 Mar 2025 Montreal Lynne Adams
En-corps Next Class 26 Mar 2025 LAnse-St-Jean Lucie Daolio
Simplicite Next Class 11 Apr 2025 Quebec Lucie Daolio

Actuele Workshops

Shadow Play

Montreal - 15 Feb 2025 to 15 Mar 2025
Erik Iversen

 Your soul is a seeker, lover and artist; shape-shifting through archetypal energy, between your darkness and fields of light, your body and spirit, your heaven and hell, until you land in the moment of sweet surrender; when you, as a dancer, disappear into the dance.

Gabrielle Roth

 Shadow Play

The 5Rhythms (Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness) offer us a pathway to creativity as each rhythm has a distinct physicality, energy and expressive potential. And each rhythm has a shadow side. We shall explore the 5Rhythms and their shadows. This experience will magnify our resistance to moving, to changing and to creating . With this awareness of how we shape resistance in movement we can then practice shifting to the lightness of playful letting go and of dynamic shape shifting. Our minds or our ego have a contract to distract us from being present and to enjoying the simplicity of being in the moment, in the dance. Generational patterns often become stuck in the body. We’ll break down the planes of movement to feel the shapes and energies we sometimes choose not to face. We shall practice drifting out of the lightness of being and shifting back to flow.



Rimouski - 21 Mar 2025 to 23 Mar 2025
Shanti bok rye Park


On comprend la peur, la colère, la tristesse, la joie et la compassion…mais sur le plancher de danse, on les ressent pleinement, et cette compréhension se dissout dans l'expérience.

En plongeant intensément dans les 5Rythmes, les couches superficielles tombent, et on se rapproche de l'être le plus intime en nous. C’est un processus qui nous permet d'élaborer notre corps émotionnel, chacun étant invité à accorder la permission à son propre cœur, porteur de nos histoires, de nos mémoires corporelles et des sentiments qui nous habitent.

À travers chaque instant de danse, on découvre de manière organique les formes, les couleurs et les odeurs de notre cœur, avec la justesse qui nous appartient

En s’appuyant sur les vérités du mouvement, on rencontre notre propre guérisseur intérieur, qui est capable de reconnaitre et d’honoré la force de chaque émotion. C’est alors que l’on ouvre la voie à une paix intérieure profonde qui permet à notre corps et à notre cœur de se réconcilier en profondeur.


Lokale docenten

Erik Iversen Montreal, Quebec Geeft les sinds: 1987 Danst sinds: 1981

“Teaching people to experience the pulsating sensual energy inside themselves and to awaken their connection to flowing breath, to rooted feet and to a centered ,alive pevis-reach up, root down, live in the heart center.”

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Lucie Daolio LAnse-St-Jean, Quebec Geeft les sinds: 2024 Danst sinds: 2015

“Naitre à soi et au monde : c'est Oser plonger dans nos Ombres et faire Scintiller nos Lumières.”

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Anne Pare Helsinki   Danst sinds: 2008

“"There is only one of us here" – Gabrielle Roth”

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Amy Dhindsa Montreal, Quebec   Danst sinds: 2012

“Dancing, I'm consumed and whole, dissolved and concrete, kissing Earth and breathing sky.~Amy”

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Elise-Anne Vallieres Val-David, Quebec Geeft les sinds: 2014 Danst sinds: 1980

“The tribes are a-gathering speaking in drumbeat dancing with ghosts sweating prayers naming the visions -Antonia Allawatt ”

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Lynne Adams Montreal, Quebec Geeft les sinds: 2016 Danst sinds: 2011

“Trust your feet, follow your heart. ”

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Shanti bok rye Park Rimouski, Quebec Geeft les sinds: 2014 Danst sinds: 1989

“No need to go looking anywhere else; everything is right here in this body, in this dance.”

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Lisa Gravel Montreal, Quebec    

“As human beings, our potential for creativity and wisdom is infinite. All we need in order to tap into it is to come back to the present moment, hold space for what is alive inside us, and allow it to move!”

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