
5Rhythms Tribe | Songs behind these eyes

April 14, 2018

By Morag Donnelly, United Kingdom

The altar: the poem on the wall with red threads of chysallis

Close up of the altar

Goose feathers from the drawing class Morag runs, with butterflies from her studio and selenite stone

This is a poem I wrote many moons ago when I was deep in the dance. It became part of the 1st weekend altar I did 4 or 5 years ago, at Christian de Sousa’s 2015 “Life, Rhythm, Dance” workshop. On the altar, the poem was accompanied by a painting of an eagle and golden chrysalises on red threads. It was the beginning of the story of my real involvement in the Dancing Tao tribe.

Songs behind these eyes
The Phoenix stole my gaze
And propelled my vision skywards, darted and blazed and took my eyes away
So with no sight I laid, as my vision was changed
And my eyes saw things I would not yet see, soaring on the fiery wing
While my body built a fire being to teach myself internal seeing
and become all elements undefined by this body knowing, this human time

I learnt the ways of land and Air and in-between,
The under stone to behind the cloud to the rippled rhythms of the glassy waters
In this under the surface safety – asleep – dreams came to me of strange things and places I have never been

And as I grew the wild world grew too
That at the edge of everything,
Winds that carry are charged and singe
The body braces and is engulfed
To know and to become
And at once the stillness re-aligned

In this Sun Eagle’s mid-flight, my vision I regained
With songs behind these eyes in flickering feathered fire
The Whisper came … the still place of Chaos is in the Centre of the Storm

That is where you are from, where livingness never leaves and you are born

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