
Raven Recording | New Album! REVEAL by David Juriansz & Terrafunka

January 24, 2018


by David Juriansz

There is a dance only you can do, that exists only in you, here and now, always changing, always true. Are you willing to listen with fascination? If you are, it will deliver you unto the self you have always dreamed you could be. This is a promise. ~Gabrielle Roth

My childhood was filled with dreams of writing and performing my own songs.

I remember as a small child making up ditties and recording them onto an old cassette recorder. My mum used to laugh and say ‘That boy loves the sound of his own voice’.

In my adult years, I wished it could be that easy, Mum! To love your own voice…

As a songwriter, the search to find my own voice was a roller coaster ride. The gap between my musical longing and the harshness of the music industry led to years of self-doubt, compare-despair, rejection, some success and a lot of failures. I never found my place in the music store (before it went online). At the end of the day, if it doesn’t pay the rent, it’s hard to keep on going.

In that London-Boheme sea of yearning artists, I met Kev (AKA Terrafunka). One of the most astoundingly talented musicians I have ever known. I felt so lucky to work with him and we forged a unique musical connection. We performed, toured, shared a studio, wrote and learned from each other. He produced my first 2 albums. I couldn’t have done that without him. It was a significant musical relationship.

When I left London 15 years ago that musical relationship ended. Simultaneously my music career came to a grinding halt. It was easy to justify giving up – after all, “ I’m a father now”. Get a haircut and get a real job yeah? No. My soul still said no!

After some years drifting, dancing one step at a time and wondering ‘what next?’ – 5Rhythms® came into my life.

In the years that followed, in Meredith’s weekly classes I danced wave after wave, digesting music in every bone in my body. Opening up to new genres and styles. The boy who grew up on Cat Stevens and Joni Mitchell actually started to like dance music. I began to dream about where this musical yearning would take me next.

Then I became a 5Rhythms teacher. Now it was my blessing to seek out and play amazing music made by incredibly talented artists. The listening deepened. My discernment heightened. The observation of what makes people move and how became my new study. Guided by Gabrielle’s magic map, and receiving the teaching of all these moving bodies, I absorbed every nuance.

I was still fascinated by what works musically – how? – why? The best stuff always seemed so simple – the fascination I had as a child. Still wondering: what place for me in music and song? Is there more?

A couple of years ago, I ran my first Transitions workshop. Along with an inspired group, I had my own creative breakthrough. I felt the calling. I skyped Kev to ask – could we work together again – over long distance?

The synergy of the old working relationship was still there. Using the marvels of modern technology with a bit of good old-fashioned creativity allowed us to slowly create a collaborative dance album – our first together. It took two years.

Near the end, I realised with excitement – ‘gosh, I’m in Lyrical’. I’m making music – without words. An instrumental album was never part of my dreaming all those years ago? Free from the words (and my story about that), I can express myself in a way I never dreamed possible.

Plus, it’s a joy to collaborate with a musical soul mate. I am thrilled to introduce the exceptional musicality of my old friend to our dance community. At the same time, it has been my honour to introduce Kev to the magic of the Wave. To work together, over such a distance, with such ease has been a healing. We did it and I’m so proud of us.

Always changing, always true.

If the 5Rhythms is the DNA of the creative process, that path is mysterious. Who knows where it leads?

This is our album – it’s time to Reveal! Have a preview of the tracks here.

Thanks to all the dancers who have inspired this. We hope you enjoy dancing to our music.

Oh, and if you decide to buy our album, 5% of your purchase goes towards 5Rhythms Reach Out – the not for profit organisation helping to bring 5Rhythms to communities in need.

With love and thanks…

David Juriansz & Terrafunka

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