
Raven Recording | New Music Video: American Dream

March 20, 2017

The album PRAY BODY, featuring the song American Dream, was recorded back in 1981‐82. At that  me, we had an 11‐piece band and theater company called The Mirrors. The theater work was intense and was all about human nature and the construction of the psyche. We would spend all week exploring our ego structures and defense mechanisms, put our discoveries into some form of artistic expression (song, monolog, dialog, etc.) and then perform that on the weekends in many of the major cities of the US. I called it a “psychic peep show.” Gabrielle was, of course, a fierce and dedicated director. There was no hiding.

We were making rock music as part of the theater presentations and also for dance events that were held regularly, mostly in NYC. Gabrielle would occasionally sing at these events, but she would be the first to tell you that she was not a singer. I thought it important that we record at least one song for her
to sing lead, so she said: “OK. I’m not a singer, but I can act like one.” She was so happy to get through the take (mostly on key), that she screamed at the end of the song: “There you go, motherfuckers!” I had to edit that out when we released the song because I was worried that it would hurt our chances at air‐play.

PRAY BODY was the last rock music we made. We switched over to making rhythm rides, percussion‐based pieces for dancing. It was the beginning of the ambient music genre.

To purchase this song or album, click here.

Peace and love,

Here is a recent review of the song:

“{This album} is something special I tell you… The band description goes like this:

‘Back in the day (late ‘70’s – early ‘80’s), before it became a seminal influence in the creation of the ambient music genre, Gabrielle Roth & The Mirrors was making “regular” music, a blend of early ‘80s rock and tribal chanting.’

So… if you want to dive with your ears and educate yourself in a genre named ‘regular’ then this is your chance! The music is sounding as if it hasn’t been subjected to time and age; still rocking out as if it is still early eighties & indeed late seventies. The rocky vibe with a back drop choir and a rough voice of a passionate Gabrielle is as if we had jumped into the time machine right in the middle of all the action of big hair, mullets, spandex, excessive jewelry and sweaty concert-goers.”

— YIKIS Review Site

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