

My body is the spirit’s wife.

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Próximos Talleres

Fear, Courage & Perspective

Sofia - 18 Oct 2025 to 19 Oct 2025
Ron Hagendoorn

Our emotions are of invaluable importance in our lives, as they provide us with the energy we need to take appropriate actions. Fear is an emotion that protects us from danger. Without being able to recognize fear, we would not be able to survive and would take unnecessary and life-threatening risks.

On the other hand, worrying too much about something exciting that we need to do can paralyze us and limit our creativity. This workshop focuses on the energy and movement that arise from fear, so that we can discover its essential power. By overcoming fear, we gain courage, which enables us to make positive changes and create a broader perspective.

This is a 5Rhythms Waves® & Heartbeat® workshop. No previous experience is required.


Maestros Locales

Daniela Peltekova Los Angeles, California Teaching Since: 2007  

“We are Gods and Goddesses with a global case of human amnesia. We dance to remember, we dance to forget, we dance to let go, to heal the cells of our body-mind and reignite the crystal imprints of our souls.”

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