

It is not about getting lost in the dance, but being found in the dance.

Clases Semanales

Periodic Classes

5Rhythms Wave Next Class 22 Dec 2024 Svendborg Nina Ejlskov

Próximos Talleres


Aarhus - 27 Dec 2024 to 29 Dec 2024
Laila Wodtke Nissen

 Life consists of many big and small transitions that we are more or less aware of.

Some transitions we manage with energy and flexibility, some we welcome, while other transitions have a dramatic impact on our lives, creating confusion, grief and loss of identity. But transitions and changes are a condition of life.

How can we move more surefooted and confidently through these inevitable changes?

These waves of rhythms, of seasons, of relationships, of opportunities, of choices... how can we navigate them with ease?

Although sometimes difficult to predict and difficult to welcome, TRANSITIONS bring us to our potential, our desires, our growth and our becoming.

At this magical time at the turn of the year, when the darkness is still at its deepest and the window of silence is open, we will let the dancer in us strengthen our awareness to navigate the transitions safely and confidently.

With the 5Rhythms© dance practice, we are guided to move through the transitions and changes in our lives with clarity, ease, grace and laughter.


Fredag/Friday den 27. december 2024 kl. 18.30-21.30 (*open class)

Lørdag/Saturday den 28. december 2024 kl. 11.00-17.30

Søndag/Sunday den 29. december 2024 kl. 11.00-17.00

Sted/Venue: Teaterskolen Move n’ Act, Grønnegade 93E, Århus C, Denmark

Pris/Tuition: 1495 kr./ 205 EUR hvis betalt senest/if paid no later than 10.dec. Herefter 1895 kr./256 EUR

Tilmelding/registration: kontakt@lailanissen.dk

`*(Fredag d. 27.dec. er åben aften for alle, pris for KUN denne aften (ikke deltager i workshoppen): 200kr/170kr stud.) Tillæg til klippekort på 25 kr

`*(Friday 27 Dec. is an open evening for everyone, price for ONLY this evening (not participating in the workshop): DKK 200/DKK 170 students) Supplement for 5x card of DKK 25


New Year's retreat: Endings & New Beginnings

Roskilde - 27 Dec 2024 to 1 Jan 2025
Brian Kjoeller

The days at the reatreat are a sensuous invitation to make a stop and give yourself time and space to unfold your dance - and through movement immerse yourself in the transition to the new year. Transitions are used thematically, as our storyline;


Maestros Locales

Günther Schrader Aarhus    

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Jan Redsted Vejle Teaching Since: 2004 Baila desde: 1998

“Life is set up to bring up what has been bound up, so it can open up to be freed up, so you can show up for Life. Mary O'Malley ”

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Nina Ejlskov Vester Skerninge Teaching Since: 2014 Baila desde: 2004

“"You are nothing else but pure love, manifested as a human. The only thing you have to do, is to embodied that"”

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Birgitte Rassmussen Copenhagen Teaching Since: 2007 Baila desde: 1997

“Dancing the 5Rhythms release energy and creativity, melt tensions and root the soul in the body”

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Annette Uhlemann - Teaching Since: 2005 Baila desde: 1998

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Brian Kjoeller Copenhagen   Baila desde: 2007

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Ane Friis - Teaching Since: 2016 Baila desde: 2003

“The floor is my friend”

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