For many years we have been searching for a way to pave a path for under-served communities worldwide seeking the dance, while upholding the integrity of the teachings of the 5Rhythms practice.
We are excited to share that we are ready to launch the new
5Rhythms Sweat SpaceHolder Program, a container birthed out of the recognition that communities around the world that want to dance 5Rhythms weekly do not have a local certified teacher.
What is a 5Rhythms Sweat Your Prayers® class?
Sweat Your Prayers has a worldwide reputation of offering our specific 5Rhythms class format where students bring their own individual practice cultivated by the tools learned through in depth workshops & classes and move through the Wave™, dancing of the rhythms of Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness™, with intention and in community.
These classes have no formal instruction, relying on the individual to create and support one’s own and therefore one another’s dance. Through exploring the endless boundaries of these 5Rhythms we develop, as Gabrielle often taught, the discipline needed to be a free spirit, and thus the freedom to wholly dance with the sacredness of oneself, another and community.
Space held under this program will be named
5Rhythms Sweat and will rotate between traditional guided
5Rhythms Waves classes held by the mentor teacher from afar
(thank you technology!) and/or in person as much as possible and
5Rhythms Sweat Your Prayers classes held with pre-planned musical collaborations between Mentor teacher and the SpaceHolder.
Our goals are to:
- Hold consistent space for underserved 5Rhythms communities worldwide.
- Maintain the integrity of the 5Rhythms practice as we build mindful communities with the support of our new circle of Sweat SpaceHolders & designated 5Rhythms Teacher Mentors.
- Provide the clear container and one-on-one mentorship for students interested in becoming a certified 5Rhythms teacher -- Guiding & supporting the student, their dancing path through the prerequisite workshops, and the budding community in their corner of the world.
- Generate funds for SpaceHolders to finance the undertaking of the deep and profound personal journey that is the 5Rhythms Waves training path.
This program is by referral only from an accredited
5Rhythms Teachers Association Member