An opportunity to step in, dance out, and awaken to spirit Wave after Wave.
Night Waves NYC started on Sept. 12, 2003. All these years later we're still starting, starting over, and starting anew (even if you've been there every week since that very first class) with every class, one step at a time, heart to heart, breath after breath, with love.
Every week a different, magical, heart full NYC teacher will be holding space for Night Waves as the journey continues. And from time to time I'll drop back in when least expected!
The 5Rhythms® Wave is a deceptively simple and simply complex movement meditation practice created by Gabrielle Roth for all bodies, with all bodies being the medium for the medicine of all beings' transformations. You belong on the dance floor whatever age you are, shape you're in, joyous, heart-broken, dis-enchanted, inspired and every other heart-state in-between.
I hope you'll join us for this moving meditation of bawdy, bright & broken prayers; a treasure hunt amongst the bones, the chambers of the heart, for buried wonder, a map to love.